Customisable Download Formats

Many Accounting Packages and Job Costing Software packages allow customers to import price lists into them electronically.

Some of these have written TradeDoor specific import routines which means you can use our default download formats, others however require a custom format, check our list of known compatible software packages to find out which format you need.

If you need a custom format or if your package does not appear in the list below please contact the TradeDoor team as we maybe able to create this for you automatically.

Otherwise to create a custom format to download your prices in click on Custom Format under Settings.


Customising a TAB Delimited Format

To create a Custom TAB Delimited Format or downloading your prices in click the Create New button, this will take you to a page where you need to choose the Format Type, Output Type, Title, Filename and Extension you want to use for your download.


Setting TAB Delimited Values
Format Type Price
Output Type Flat
Title The name you want to call this format e.g. MYOB
Filename The name of your dowloaded price file e.g. account_number_tradelink_prices
Extension TXT

Once you've specified these click the Save button and it will reveal the feilds you can include in your download, along with some other options for example whether you want your download to include a Header Row and what you want the fields seperated.

For TAB Delimited Formats you just need to make sure you set the Field Seperator to {TAB}

Once you've set these you can start adding the fields you want to include in your download, to do this simply click on it and holding your mouse button down drag it across to the left under the Data_Rows heading until you have added all of the fields you want to add.


If you add a field by accident and you want to remove it just click on the field name and click the remove button as per the screnshot below

As well as our fields you can also add your own fields such as GST Codes or GL Codes to your download, to do this just drag the Custom Text field into the File Contents and click on the Custom Text label.

This will open the field and allow you to give it your own name and value e.g. GST_Code with a value of S15

Once you have added everything you want simply click the Save button and your new format will be available for you to download your prices in.


Customising a Comma Separated Format

To create a Custom TAB Delimited Format or downloading your prices in click the Create New button, this will take you to a page where you need to choose the Format Type, Output Type, Title, Filename and Extension you want to use for your download.


Setting Comma Delimited Values
Format Type Price
Output Type Flat
Title The name you want to call this format e.g. XERO
Filename The name of your dowloaded price file e.g. account_number_tradelink_prices
Extension CSV

Once you've specified these click the Save button and it will reveal the feilds you can include in your download, along with some other options for example whether you want your download to include a Header Row and what you want the fields seperated.

For TAB Delimited Formats you just need to make sure you set the Field Seperator to {TAB}

Once you've set these you can start adding the fields you want to include in your download, to do this simply click on it and holding your mouse button down drag it across to the left under the Data_Rows heading until you have added all of the fields you want to add.


If you add a field by accident and you want to remove it just click on the field name and click the remove button as per the screnshot below

As well as our fields you can also add your own fields such as GST Codes or GL Codes to your download, to do this just drag the Custom Text field into the File Contents and click on the Custom Text label.

This will open the field and allow you to give it your own name and value e.g. GST_Code with a value of S15

Once you have added everything you want simply click the Save button and your new format will be available for you to download your prices in.


Customising an XML Format

To create a Custom XML Format or downloading your prices in click the Create New button, this will take you to a page where you need to choose the Format Type, Output Type, Title, Filename and Extension you want to use for your download.


Setting XML  Values
Format Type Price
Output Type XML
Title The name you want to call this format e.g. XML Format
Filename The name of your dowloaded price file e.g. account_number_tradelink_prices
Extension xml

Once you've specified these click the Save button and it will reveal the feilds you can include in your download, to do this simply click on it and holding your mouse button down drag it across to the left under the Data_Rows heading until you have added all of the fields you want to add.


If you add a field by accident and you want to remove it just click on the field name and click the remove button as per the screnshot below

As well as our fields you can also add your own fields such as GST Codes or GL Codes to your download, to do this just drag the Custom Text field into the File Contents and click on the Custom Text label.

This will open the field and allow you to give it your own name and value e.g. GST_Code with a value of S15

Once you have added everything you want simply click the Save button and your new format will be available for you to download your prices in.


Compatible Software for Price Imports

The following is a list of compatible accounting/job costing packages and the formats they require.

NB: If the require a custom format, please contact the help desk because we maybe able to build this for you automatically.


Compatible Price List Format Default
Compatible Price List Format Default
Compatible Price List Format Custom CSV
Compatible Price List Format Custom CSV
Compatible Price List Format Default

Compatible Price List Format Custom CSV
Compatible Price List Format Custom CSV






Compatible Price List Format Default
Compatible Price List Format Default
Compatible Price List Format Custom TAB
Compatible Price List Format Custom CSV
Compatible Price List Format Default
Compatible Price List Format Custom
Compatible Price List Format Default
Compatible Price List Format Default
Compatible Price List Format Custom XLS



Compatible Price List Format Default
Compatible Price List Format Custom CSV
Compatible Price List Format Custom CSV
Compatible Price List Format Default
Compatible Price List Format Custom CSV
Compatible Price List Format Custom CSV
Compatible Price List Format Custom CSV
Compatible Price List Format Custom CSV
Compatible Price List Format Custom CSV