Starting a New Quote
To start a new quote, click on the button, this will open a new Quote for you to enter the Quote Header information into, this includes:
Title: Job Name e.g. Banyo Rugby League Club
Date: By default this will be the date you started the quote but you can change this if you issue it later
Valid To: Date that the Quote will expire
Status: In Progress, Sent, Accepted, Declined, To Send, Unknown, Completed
Type: Is it a Quote, Estimate, Purchase Order, Tax Invoice or Credit Note?
Document Number: Your Job Reference
Basis: Buy Plus (Mark up), Sell Less (Discount)
Default Markup/Discount: Default % items will be discounted or marked up by (depending on basis), can be overridden on individual lines.
From Address: How your address will appear on your quotes - to set this up click on Addresses under Setup
Customer Address: Who the Quote is for - if you've done work for the Customer before their name will appear in the drop down menu otherwise you can add a new customer into here.
Once you have entered all of this information you can begin to add products (including your transport & labour) to your qoute.
Adding Products from Our Catalogue to Your Quote
To add products from our Catalogue to your Quote click on the icon at the bottom of the quote.
This will pop open a search box where you can search our catalogue for products to add to your quote.
If you know the product code of the item you want to add to your quote you can search by this and bring the item up straight away, otherwise just search by keyword.
Once you've found the item you are looking for simply enter the quantity you require into the QTY box at right of the screen or alternatively you tick the box to the left of the Item No. and this will by default add 1 to your selection. Now all you need to do is to click the Add Selected Items button and the item/s will added to your document.
Repeat this process until you have added all of the items you need from our catalogue to your Quote.
Adding Job Description & Terms
Once you've added everything you need to your quote, the last thing you need to add before issuing it is the job description and your terms and conditions.
To do this click on the Tabs running across the top of your Header Information
Terms & Conditions: Like your labour you can save some default terms & conditions under Set Up to use over and over again or you can enter them directly into each quote.
Job Description: Is where you enter the description of the work the quote is for
Comments: This is where you can enter any additional comments such as recommendations outside the scope of the quote.
Notes: This is where you can attach notes to a quote that do not appear on the quote itself.
Producing Your Quote
Once you're satisfied with your quote and you're ready to issue it to your customer you need to decide how much detail you want to show them, and whether you want to include a signature panel underneath for them to sign.
To do this click on the Output Options tab at the top of the page to set the level of detail choose one of the following from the Print Layout Dropdown Menu:
High Detail: (Shows Markup/Discount): Only use this for Retail Less invoices to show your customer they are getting a discount.
Low Detail: (Hides Markup/Discount): Good for quoting on an Cost Plus basis to customers who want an itemised breakdown.
Low Detail: (No Itemised Pricing): Good for quoting on a Cost Plus basis to customers who want a breakdown of the quantities of items used, but not the individual prices of each item
Low Detail: (No Item Codes or Itemised Pricing): Prevents your customer from being able to check your pricing by code.
Summary: (Comments Only): Stops customers from being able to ask you for any left over product included in the Quote but not used on the Job
Once you've decided on the level of detail you then need to decide whether you want to include a signature panel or not, to do this select one of the following from the Signature Panel dropdown menu:
None: Leaves no place for either your or the client to sign
Client:: Leaves a space for the client to sign their acceptance
Mine: Leaves a space for you to sign the quote
Client & Mine: Leaves a space for you both to sign the quote
Remittance Slip: (Invoices Only): Includes a tear off at the bottom to include with payment
You are also given an option to enter the name of the person preparing the quote, leave this blank if you do not want to show anyone.
Once you've set all of this click the Save button to save your settings and then click the button to produce the Quote and issue it to your customer.
Editing Your Quote
To edit an existing Quote simply click on the Title of the Quote you want to edit from the list of available Quotes,
this will open the Quote for you to make changes to, just remember to click the Save button after these changes.
Here are some of the most common changes people like to make.
Changing the Quote Status: Once you've issued your quote change the status to sent so that when you're searching for Quotes you can narrow it down by Status.
Deleting Individual Items: To delete an item from a quote simply click the icon next to the item you want to delete.
Deleting Multiple Items: Tick the check boxes next to the items you want to delete, and click the
Moving Items: Click hold the arrows next to the item codes and drag the item to the new position
Reapplying Discount/Markup and Refreshing Descriptions & Prices
Tick the check boxes next to the items you want to update and click the
button and select the actions you wish to perform from the pop up menu
Basing a Quote on a Template
A template is like a job stencil or cookie cutter for regular jobs that require the same amount of labour and materials each time e.g. a toilet installation.
To do this start a new Quote as normal entering all of the Header Information such as the Job name & customer details, then click Save to reveal the options for adding products to your quote.
Select the button and this will pop open a box where you can choose which template you want to base your Quote on from the drop down menu.
Once you select a template it will load the template with the default quantities which you can either Add one at a time by clicking "Add" the link or all at once by clicking "add Displayed Items" button
Once you've finished with the Template click the to return to your Quote, and produce it as per normal.
Basing a Quote on an Old Quote
f you have an old quote Quote for a job that a customer wants a quote for, you can copy this update the customer & pricing details and produce a quote using this.
To do this open the quote you wish to copy then select copy from the menu
This will create a copy the quote and you are returned to the "My Customer's Quotes" menu and you will see the new quote has been created using the original name with the word [Copy] bracketed at the end
Select this to open it and you can edit the title and all the heading details.
Then click the Tick All the boxes next to select all of the items and choose
from the menu to update all the pricong to the most update you have on file.
Thats it now simply save the newly created quote.
Basing a Quote on an Invoice
Every now and then you might be able to use a previous order to Quote a job on, for example if you did a toilet installation for a spec home builder and they asked you to quote them for the same work in a new house.
Instead of starting the Quote from scratch you could open a new quote and then transfer the contents of the invoice you received from us onto the Quote.
To do this start a new Quote as normal entering all of the Header Information such as the Job name & customer details, then click Save to reveal the options for adding products to your quote.
Then instead of click on the "Import Invoice" button from the menu
This will pop open a serach box where you just need to enter the number of the invoice you want to base your quote on.
This will retrieve the items included the invoice which you can either Add one at a time by clicking the link or all at once by clicking "Add All Items" .
Once you've finished with the Invoice click the button to return to your Quote, and produce it as per normal.
Searching & Filtering Your Quotes
After you've been using the Trade Door for a while you will end up with a long list of quotes you've produced for a diverse range of customers in various stages of completion, but just because this list is big doesn't mean it has to be unmanagable.
With the TradeDoor you can search for your quotes by Job Name, Date, Quote Number, Customer and Status.
For example say you wanted to see all open quotes you'd sent to the Banyo Rugby League Club in 2011, all you'd need to do is set the date range to 2011, the Customer to Banyo RLC and the Status to Sent before clicking the button.
You can filter your quotes by any combination of these filters:
Title: Job Name
Quote Number: Job Number
Sent From: Which company (if you have more than one division e.g. a Gas & HVAC division)
Sent To: Customer
Date From: Quote Date
Date To: Expiry Date
Status: In Progress, Sent, Accepted, Declined, To Send, Unknown, Completed
Once you've set your search criteria simply click the button and it will bring up all Quotes that meet this Criteria.
Archiving Quotes
A better alternative to deleting Quotes is to archive them so they don't show up in your list of quotes, but still allows you to access them.
To open a quote simply open it and from the menu select "Archive" and your quote is automatically moved to the Archive folder.
To view archived Quotes simply change the Archived drop down filter to display Archived Only and click the "Seach".
To restore an archived Quote open it and this time you will see "Unarchive" on the menu, select this and you are done
Deleting Quotes
From time to time you might want to delete Quotes, for example for jobs you started Quoting but you did not finish on time so you didn't end up sending it in.
To delete a quote simply open it and select "Delete from the menu and once you confirm you quote is deleted.
** User this feature with caution as once a quote is deleted it cannot be reinstated without producing again**